Rent Affordability Tool

How Much Can I afford to spend on Rent:

How to Use Our Rent Affordability Calculator

Are you ready to find the perfect rental property that fits comfortably within your budget? At RentFaster, we understand that determining your rental budget is a crucial first step in your housing search.

Having our Rent Affordability Calculator is designed to make this process easy and stress-free. In just two simple steps, you can confidently plan your rental expenses and find the ideal place to call home.

Step 1: Choose Your Desired Location

The first step in calculating your rental affordability is to select the location where you want to live. Your choice of location can significantly impact your monthly rent, so it is essential to narrow down your options as much as possible.

Step 2: Input your Income

Once you've chosen your preferred location, it's time to input your income information. We recommend allocation no more than 50% of your after-tax income to rent. This percentage should still allow you to cover the other essential expenses and save for the future. However, please note that that figure is an approximation, as different rates may be appropriate depending other factors you have, such as the stability of your income, and what other expenses you may have.

Once inputted, RentFaster’s Rent Affordability Calculator will provide an approximation for the monthly rent you can afford. You can then begin searching for properties with the confidence in knowing that the listings you will see are in your price range.

Tips for a Successful Search:

Stay Within Budget: Stick to the estimated rent range provided by our calculator to avoid financial strain.

Consider Additional Costs: Keep in mind that rent is just one part of your housing budget. Factor in utilities, insurance, and any other housing-related expenses.

Save for the Future: By staying within your budget, you can set aside money for savings, emergencies, or other financial goals.

Remember, our Rent Affordability Calculator is a tool to guide you in making informed decisions about your housing expenses. It's important to balance your comfort and convenience with your financial well-being. Happy house hunting!

How the calculator works: The calculator takes the range of 40% to 50% of your after-tax income, divides it by 12 to get a monthly rate of how much you can afford in rent.