Protect Your Personal Information While Apartment Hunting


In todays rental market, landlords often require a comprehensive overview of tenants’ personal, financial, and rental histories, necessitating the completion of numerous forms, checks, and registrations. However, ensuring the security of this sensitive data is frequently overlooked but crucial.


Let’s examine some common data privacy threats renters encounter and explore preventive measures:


1. Sharing Personal Data


Many rental platforms engage in the sharing of tenant’s personal information, often for credit reports and rental applications. Before providing any personal information, carefully review the platform’s privacy policy and ensure your account is secure. This can be done by creating a strong password, opting for verified listings, and not clicking on suspicious links provided by  3rd parties.


2. Fraudulent Listings 


Rental scams, particularly fake listing scams, are becoming more prevalent. Look out for red flags such as unrealistic asking rent, requesting money upfront, being unable to see the property or requests for excessive personal information.


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3. Hackers Targeting Landlords to Steal Tenants’ Information


While relatively rare, cyber attacks on landlords pose a risk to tenants’ data. Choose rental platforms that offer secure, encrypted storage of sensitive information to mitigate this threat. The Privacy Policy on RentFaster offers users detailed insights into the storage of their information and guides safeguarding themselves.


4. Landlords Requesting Excessive Information


While landlords may request information to assess potential tenants, be aware of your rights and only provide necessary information. Familiarize yourself with local tenancy laws to ensure compliance


Check out our blog for more information. 


Tips To Keep In Mind


  • Most Common Way Data is Stolen: Weak passwords are a leading cause of data breaches. Use strong, unique passwords to protect accounts.


  • Responsibility for Data Privacy: While companies are responsible for implementing effective data protection policies, individuals should also take steps to safeguard their information online. 


Ways to protect your information: Strong passwords, Anti-virus Software, Beware of phishing and using secure internet connections. 


  • Confidentiality of Rental Lease Agreements: Lease agreements are confidential, and landlords require consent to disclose information within them.


  • Privacy Laws for Landlords: In Canada, landlords must adhere to the regulations outlined in PIPEDA, which governs the handling and protection of customers’ information.


By staying vigilant and taking proactive measures, renters can mitigate the risks associated with data privacy during the rental process.

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