Harvest-hills Community Overview

Harvest Hills is a residential neighbourhood in the north-east quadrant of Calgary, Alberta. It is bounded by Deerfoot Trail to the east, by Beddington Trail to the south, by Country Hills Boulevard to the north and by Harvest Hills Boulevard to the west. The community contains a lake (the Harvest Hills lake), and Harvest Hills golf course is developed in the north-east corner, in the Nose Creek valley.

Harvest Hills was established in 1990.

Harvest Hills is home to Ascension of Our Lord separate school.

Community overview from Wikipedia.

Property Type # of Listings Min Price Max Price Avg Price
Main Floors3$1860$2200$2020
Room For Rent6$600$800$733
Condo Units2$1795$1900$1847
Total Rentals20$600$3000$1577
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